Invisalign is a procedure that straightens your teeth and corrects biting issues. This is achieved using clear, removable aligners. It is a good alternative if you are looking away from metal braces.

Reasons for getting Invisalign

Several reasons might necessitate an Invisalign procedure. It is similar to having braces, but it is less visible. Such reasons include too narrow or wide spacing between your teeth, teeth crowding, crooked teeth, or an open bite, overbite, crossbite, or underbite. The treatment is administered and supervised by a qualified orthodontist or dentist.

Invisalign offers orthodontia which is also as effective as braces. The aligners are custom-made for each patient. The metal grade plastic used must be FDA approved. The aligners are more convenient compared to wearing braces. The plastic trays are much easier to clean and remove. This means that you can remove them while eating, drinking, or even flossing.

How Invisalign Works

The procedure begins with digital images of the teeth. The dentist would have taken x-rays of your teeth to evaluate the situation. Using the digital images, Invisalign software creates a 3D model of your teeth.

Modifications can be made on the model using the software. After that, clear plastic aligners are created. Everyone’s smile is different; thus, everyone’s aligner is individually trimmed and fitted. The aligners will be used to move your teeth to the correct position.

Using the 3D model made, the aligners are designed to fit over your teeth perfectly. They are barely noticeable and are fitted by applying pressure and force. You can have each aligner on for around two weeks. The duration is dependent on how your teeth respond. If your teeth align in the desired orientation, you must switch to the next for further movement.

The aligners are fitted and replaced in series. Once you are through with the complete set of aligners, the desired results will be achieved. Other patients require bone-colored attachments that bond with their teeth. This helps the aligner to work even more efficiently. Treatment might take 12 to 18 months. This is on average, and the patient must wear the aligner for at least 22 hours in a day.

How Much is Invisalign?

The answer to how much is Invisalign varies depending on a lot of factors. In general, Invisalign costs between $3,000 and $7,000. The final cost differs and depends on the treatment length and the severity of the case. Other factors that affect the final cost include:

  • Your overall oral health
  • The number of aligners necessary
  • The number of attachments necessary

The doctors’ overhead costs and location are also essential. Doctors in urban areas are more costly compared to those in rural areas. The Type of malocclusion being addressed also affects the overall costs. Overbites, underbites, crossbites, open bites, and misaligned teeth all have their independent prices.

Is it Worth It?

In many cases, Invisalign is considered to be as effective as braces. It, however, has the edge over the traditional braces as it is more convenient. This is seen with the ease of use and the comfort of removing them when having a meal.

Other advantages of Invisalign are they are more discrete compared to braces and are removable. There are no broken wires or brackets associated with Invisalign. The aligners are also FDA-approved and build more confidence in the patients.

As far as all this is considered, Invisalign is worth it. It improves your oral health and your overall confidence. It also eliminates some of the inconveniences that are associated with traditional braces. This does not mean that the procedure is perfect. It also has its drawbacks, and it is up to you to make the best decision for yourself.

Some other cases are best suited for traditional braces compared to fitting aligners. Your dentist is in the best position to advise what is best for you, depending on the situation. You need to keep them close to make sure that you get the most out of your treatment.


Invisalign is a procedure carried out to straighten your teeth and correct malocclusions. If done well, it can be a worthwhile investment. The procedure would provide a smile that would give your confidence a lifetime.

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