How To Effectively Build a Team of Remote Workers

Today’s workforce has become increasingly remote. However, building remote teams has unique challenges, such as a lack of connection to the company. As a manager, you may have created a virtual Office background for Teams, but this is only a first step to developing a team that truly collaborates and works as one. These are a few tips to help you build your remote team.

Set Clear Expectations

Before you start interviewing professionals to fill your team’s available positions, you need to do some work. First, you should have clear, detailed job descriptions. They need to discuss your expectations of each team member.

You also need guidelines for how to work as a team. This is especially important in virtual environments because this type of work promotes solitary work. However, a true team collaborates to complete projects and innovate.

You should also determine how you will track your team’s time on the job and when you absolutely need them to be available online. You also need to develop communication protocols.

Choose Effective Communication Methods

Your team is going to need different forms of communication methods. First, you should have video conferencing capabilities, and you may include free Zoom backgrounds that provide consistency. You should also have phone communication and instant messaging capabilities. Your team needs to have quick, reliable communication with you and the rest of the team at all times.

Interviewing Online

Recruitment is often the most important step in building your team. Choose individuals with self-control, drive and discipline. These professionals do not have direct supervision, so they need to be trustworthy. They need to understand the importance of efficiency and have strategies to pursue it.

Although you may provide training, your prospects need to have the skills necessary to do the work on their own after they receive the training. They also need to prioritize communication so that they can get their questions answered quickly and get back to work, and they need to be responsive, answering questions from others quickly and clearly.

Provide Useful Technological Tools

You need to determine whether your team will provide their own tools or if you will provide them. You may find their work more effective and efficient if you provide the tools. Therefore, consider what type of computers, scanners, printers, etc. your team needs. If they are writing, you may invest in editing software.

You may use tools like Dropbox to share large files or Google Sheets that allow your entire team to work on the same project at the same time. You may also need stock photography, content management and automation software to help your staff.

Getting Your Team Involved

To keep your team engaged, they need to feel like a part of your team. Therefore, contact them regularly to see how they are doing and if they need anything. Hold regular team meetings as well as one-on-one meetings. Contact your team members at least once per week, and you can hold company-wide and team meetings at least monthly.

Although creating a custom Zoom background is a good first step, it will take effort to engage your staff and help them feel like a vital member of your team.

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