CBD is quickly growing in popularity as an effective treatment for humans and animals. With this said, many people still do not understand what CBD oil is or how it works.

According to reports, nutraceuticals are said to be the largest category of cannabidiol (CBD) sales in the US by 2025.

One of the common questions that pet owners ask when using CBD oil is dosage. There is a wide discrepancy between what humans can tolerate and appropriate for animals.

CBD oil has become a treatment option to suppress seizures and manage pain. Thus, it’s no surprise that CBD oil for cats anxiety dosage is often recommended as an adjuvant treatment for pets who have cancer or any other severe illness.

As pet owners discover CBD oil benefits for cats, they often want to know if it is safe and how much they should use.

CBD Oil Dosage for Cats: Safe and Effective

The dosages listed below are general recommendations from veterinarians who have researched dogs who suffer from anxiety-related disorders due to separation, thunderstorms, and fireworks phobias.

It is crucial to find that CBD oil can be a more definitive treatment for anxiety-related disorders in cats when given at higher doses. It means the dosage listed below is not sufficient for feline anxiety sufferers.

Cats with anxiety or on medication should always be treated under veterinary supervision – especially when using higher doses of CBD oil.

The dosage recommendations below are for cats who do not suffer from anxiety disorders but rather general health and wellness.

CBD Oil Dosage Guidelines

  • For relief of pain or inflammation, 2 to 4 drops of full-spectrum CBD oil is 2,000–4,000 mg per day, depending on the size of your cat.
  • CBD oil for cats with 5–10 mg per kg of body weight is 250–500 mg for a 10-pound cat for relief of mild anxiety. It’s important to note that this dosage may not be enough to help severe anxiety sufferers.
  • For overall brain health and increased cognitive ability, CBD oil for cats with anxiety dosage is 20 mg per kg of body weight (1,000–2,000 mg for a 10-pound cat). Again, this dosage is not enough to help severe anxiety sufferers.
  • CBD oil dosage should be given two times daily.
  • The product being used should have at least 5 mg/kg or higher of CBD content.

CBD Oil Application: How and When to Apply

The best time to apply CBD oil is right after your cats eat their meal before they go to sleep. Cats usually sleep after eating, which means CBD oil is absorbed into the body throughout the night and has a calming effect on your pet during their rest.

If you cannot administer CBD right after your cats’ meal, it’s alright if you don’t do it directly before they go to sleep.

Factors That Determine the Dosage of CBD Oil

Several factors affect what dosage you need to give your cat. Here are the main ones:

CBD Oil vs. Full-Spectrum or Isolated CBD Oil

As stated before, full-spectrum CBD oil is more effective than isolated CBD oil in treating anxiety disorders in cats. All pet owners should purchase products that say “full-spectrum” CBD oil on the label.

Your cats’ weight is also a pivotal factor when determining the CBD oil dosage they need.

CBD Oil vs. Hemp Seed Oil

Avoid using products labeled “hemp seed oil” as these contain little to no cannabidiol and will not provide the same health benefits as full-spectrum CBD products.

While hemp seed oil can be purchased at low prices, it does not contain the cannabinoids needed to reduce stress and pain in cats. Hemp seed oil is primarily used for cooking, whereas CBD oil is used in cooking and directly orally (dropped on the tongue).

Purity and Potency of CBD Oil

Since time immemorial, cats have always made wiser decisions than humans. For that reason alone, only purchase high-quality CBD oil for your cat to ensure maximum benefit. Do not buy products sold at low prices because there is a good chance they are not pure.

All reputable companies selling CBD oil for cats always show the CBD content on their website. If they don’t, it’s probably not a good sign, and you shouldn’t buy their products.

CBD Oil vs. Edible Products

When buying any edible product (food or drink) for your cat, make sure that they contain at least 10 mg of cannabidiol per kg of the product.

If you don’t see the CBD content, move on to another brand. Edible products for cats usually come in 30 g or less (one serving), so make sure that one package contains at least 300 mg of CBD oil.

CBD Oil vs. CBD Capsules or Gummies

CBD capsules, gummies, and other oral CBD supplements are more accessible to give your cat than full-spectrum oil because you don’t need any additional equipment to administer it.

However, while these products are easier to use, they may not be the most effective option available. Oil-based products allow for constant absorption into your cat’s system, which is ideal for reducing seizures and calming cats in a state of continuous anxiety.

CBD Oil vs. CBD Topicals

CBD topicals are the perfect option if your cat has localized pain or stiffness that can be treated with a cream or ointment. For example, if your cat has knee problems, you should use a CBD topical to reduce her pain and help her move more quickly.

CBD Oil Side Effects

One of the best things about using CBD oil for cats with anxiety is that it has no side effects if taken correctly. If your feline friend exhibits any strange behavior or seems unresponsive, stop administering CBD right away and call a veterinarian.

CBD Oil vs. Prescription Medication

If your vet prescribes medication to treat your cat’s anxiety, always follow her instructions closely. After all, the thing you want is for your cat to get sick because of improper use of prescription medications.

Final Words

It is good to talk to a vet before administering any medication (including CBD oil and prescription drugs) to cats. However, if you feel that CBD oil for cats with anxiety will be the most beneficial for your pet, never hesitate to do it.

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